At Heath Electrical Services, we always aim to provide our clients with as much information as possible on how to keep your property safe. For the next week, we will be joining the mission to spread the word on Gas Safety Week, sharing helpful tips and advice on how to prevent gas-related dangers.

What is Gas Safety Week?

The 13th of September marks the start of Gas Safety Week 2021, a week dedicated to raising awareness of the dangers of gas and the importance of maintaining appliances. Having run for more than ten years, Gas Safety Week is co-ordinated by Gas Safe Register, the official gas registration body for engineers in the UK. The goal is to ensure that everyone is armed with the knowledge and resources they need to remain safe at home, in the workplace and in public.

What do you need to know about?

If you are looking to broaden your knowledge on gas safety, we have put together a host of information on the following topics:

Supporting Gas Safety Week

The dangers of carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide can be incredibly dangerous, causing severe illness and, in the worst-case scenario, loss of life. Yet, as carbon monoxide has no taste, colour or smell, a leak can be tricky to spot.

Headaches, nausea, dizziness and breathlessness are all common signs that you have been exposed to carbon monoxide; however, it is imperative to put measures in place to prevent leaks from reaching this level of danger. (If you notice any of these exposure signs, you must contact a medical professional to assess your condition.)

With this in mind, should you spot any of the following, you must act quickly as there may be carbon monoxide present in your home:

  • The flame on your gas hob is yellow or orange rather than blue
  • There are dark stains similar to soot on or around your gas appliances
  • The pilot light regularly blows out (this applies to older appliances where the pilot light is visible)
  • There has been an increased of condensation inside windows

If you suspect that you have carbon monoxide poisoning or a leak in your home, you must open all windows and doors then switch off gas appliances. Step outside for fresh air and call the gas emergency helpline on 0800 111 999.

Gas Safe Engineer

Keeping your home gas safe

Minimise the risk of gas-related dangers, keeping yourself, your family and home safe through our handy tips:

Check all gas appliances annually

Each year, all gas appliances should be thoroughly assessed by a registered Gas Safe engineer; this includes gas boilers, hob, etc. Through annual inspections, you can ensure that any potential issues are highlighted in the early stages and rectified before they pose a danger. We recommend using to set yourself a reminder to ensure that you never forget your gas safety check.

Annual Gas Safety Check

Research engineers before enlisting their help

Whilst looking for a professional to install, replace, repair or maintain your gas appliances, don’t forget to check their status on the Gas Safe Register. Only engineers who are listed here are legally permitted to complete work on gas appliances, each of which is provided with a Gas Safe ID card to prove their eligibility.

At Heath Electrical Services, we have a Gas Safe registered team on hand to provide a range of gas services in Milton Keynes, so do not hesitate to get in touch if you need our assistance!

Finding A Registered Business

Keep an eye on the condition of appliances

If you notice that any of your gas appliances are not quite working as they should be, it’s vital to check for warning signs that a serious problem is brewing. These are similar to the signs of a carbon monoxide leak and include the following:

  • The flame is no longer burning properly
  • There is staining around the appliance
  • You can smell gas inside the house
  • There is more condensation than usual
  • The pilot light goes out frequently for no reason

Should any of the above signs creep up, turn off the gas supply and ensure that you contact a Gas Safe engineer to inspect the appliance. If you are unsure what you should do, again, the Gas Emergency Helpline will always happily help and guide you through the process.

Use A Gas Safe Engineer

Never block any vents

Vents are designed to ensure that your gas appliances are working safely, so it is vital to ensure that they are not blocked. The vents must be clear both inside and outside of the home, allowing constant airflow through each room. Not only will this help with gas safety but also prevents wasted energy, along with the growth of mold and mildew.

Don't Block Vents

Install a carbon monoxide detector

As mentioned previously, carbon monoxide is colourless, tasteless and odourless, which means that a carbon monoxide detector is an absolute must-have. This will ensure that you are warned early of carbon monoxide and can act quickly before it has a chance to cause a danger.

Carbon monoxide detectors should be installed in every room containing a fuel burning appliance as well as every sleeping room and ideally, the room you spend the most time within your home. Detectors should be placed at ‘breathing height’ and not too close to a fireplace or appliance that uses a flame. Our team are always more than happy to assist with the installation of carbon monoxide detectors to ensure that they are placed correctly.

Install Carbon Monoxide Detector

Your responsibilities as a landlord

As a landlord, it is your responsibility to keep your tenants safe against dangers, including those relating to gas installations. This includes not only arranging annual gas safety checks but also the following:

  • Keeping gas pipework, appliances and flues in good condition
  • Ensuring that all gas equipment is safe (if a previous tenant has left an item, this must be assessed before re-letting the property)
  • Providing existing tenants with a Gas Safety Record within 28 days of the check being completed
  • Providing new tenants with a Gas Safety Record within 28 days of them moving in
  • Keeping a personal copy of a Gas Safety Record until two more checks have been completed
  • Ensuring that all maintenance and annual checks are carried out by a fully qualified Gas Safe registered engineer

If an annual safety check is not arranged or any of the above responsibilities are not adhered to, tenants are within their right to report you to the HSE. Our team of engineers offer a range of services for landlords in Milton Keynes, including both gas and electrical testing. We are always happy to arrange a visit to your property to check whether you are in line with the latest regulations.

Landlord Gas Safety Check

Keeping yourself, your home, family, and friends gas safe!

Gas safety is vitally important all year round and this next week is the perfect time to learn more. Our team are always more than happy to answer any further gas safety questions you may have, and if you are unsure whether an appliance is dangerous, we can book an assessment as soon as possible. Let’s work together to protect each other against the dangers of gas!

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